Now delivering dynamic virtual online courses as well as in-person courses.
Live life in alignment with purpose and see your success and fulfillment surge!
Excellence Seminars International delivers powerful, highly effective leading-edge courses that accelerate individual and organizational success.
Personal Development

Create long-lasting results. Practical, effective, and fun, our programs lay a strong foundation for you to make success and fulfillment a habit in all areas of your life.
CORE Leadership Series

Professional Development

People are the most important asset of any organization. Empower your employees and leaders to reach their full potential and experience a surge in your organization’s performance.
What Else Do Our Grads Have to Say…
Renee Wilkins was on her tenth career and fifth relationship and every area of her life felt like a 2 out of 10. She was introduced to ReSet for MORE Excellence by a friend that was clearly living a fulfilled, happy and successful life.
“The results were immediate – every area of my life improved dramatically. Within six months, I doubled my business income, within a year I tripled it and within five years I had realized all my long-term goals, personally and professionally.”
~ Renee Wilkins ~
Renee continues to create success and fulfillment in every aspect of her life and every time she wants to notch it up again, she jumps in to audit!